V_KLay command line format: V_KLay.exe /option1 .... /optionN filename "/" - the option must begin with this symbol options1..N - options in format: OptionName=OptionValue. If OptionValue has a space symbol you must write it in quotes: OptionName="Option Value" filename - file name. For files with fullflash (fubu) (.bin, .fls) the file name may be any file name, or in specified format: (**ENG**) PhoneName_AnySymbols_AA.bin PhoneName - Phone name exactly as in list in V_KLay. The case is not checked and there are no differences between space and underline '_'. AnySymbols - Any Symbols. AA - 2 symbols - two HEX digit - high byte of address, for ex. for address 0xA00000 will be a A0. underline (_) - must exist after PhoneName and before AA Example: C55_(Bootcore_Bug)_Langpack_with_unpack_pics_60.bin with this file, following parameters are automatically set: From Address = 0x60000, Phone = C55 (Bootcore Bug), Size = 0x040000 (is equal to file size), Use From Offset = 0x000000 (set to zero automatically). (**RUS**) Формат имени файла с фуллфлешем: PhoneName_AnySymbols_AA.bin PhoneName - имя телефона - в точности как в списке в V_KLay. Без учета регистра. Пробел и подчеркивание '_' считаются одним и тем же. AnySymbols - что угодно. AA - 2 символа - две 16-ричные цифры - старший байт адреса откуда этот .bin выл скачан, например для адреса 0xA00000 они равны A0. Подчеркивание (_) - должен обязательно присутствовать после PhoneName и перед AA Пример: C55 (Bootcore Bug)_Langpack_with_unpack_pics_60.bin при открытии данного файла автоматически будет установлено: From Address = 0x60000, Phone = C55 (Bootcore Bug), Size = 0x040000 (размер берется из размера файла), Use From Offset = 0x000000 (просто обнулится). Example: V_KLay.exe /ww=1 /p=SL4x /warn=0 /wr=1 /qu=1 c:\patches\SL45\gfxmenu\coolmenu.vkp Options: qu=1 - quit from V_KLay, after doing all work, that specify in other options. ww=0 - use previous settings =1 - work with phone =2 - work with part of flash (fullflash) p=SL4x - specify the phone name pcom=COM1 - name of COM port pbaud=115200 - baud rate of COM port ff=C:\flash\SL45\block_00.bin -specify the file name with part of flash (or fullflash). The address from what this part of flash is downloaded is determined from last 2 characters (HEX digit) (before this symbols you must type a "_" symbol) of file name of file with part of flash. For example "somefile_2D.bin" - downloaded from address 0x2d0000. fffrom=0x000000 - specify a address from what part of flash is downloaded, if this info is absent in file name (see above). Info in file name have a higer priority than this parameter. For example: 0x234567, 0x200000, 0x2a0000. warn=1 - display all warnings and success messages. =0 - hide all warnings and success messages. wr=1 - do write of "filename". If filename is patch this options is applying patch, If keyboard layout - write layout, if bin file - write bin (adress to write determinet from filename, see above). rd=1 - do read of "filename". If filename is patch this options is do UNDO of patch, * If keyboard layout - read layout and save it in "filename", * if bin file - read memory and save it in "filename" (adress to read determinet from filename, see above). *fnfrom=0x000000 - specify a address for Flasher Tab if "filename" is .bin file, if this info is absent in "filename" (see above). Info in "filename" have a higer priority than this parameter. For example: 0x234567, 0x200000, 0x2a0000. * - not implemented at this moment. V_KLay has hidden registry options. Options is in key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vi-Soft\V_KLay2\Options Options: DoNotInsertLocaleInfoInPatch DWORD value default is 0 1 - disable inserting in patches LocaleID, 0 - enable (default). CommentGroupString STRING value default is ";" string, that is inserted/deleted at the begin of selected rows, when user select comment/uncomment commands in popup menu of patch page. PatcherWrapAddr DWORD value default is 0 if address of block in text of patch is greater than this value, this value will be subtracted from address. WARNING: this is only for patch block address correcion! Therefore, if address of block is less that this parameter, and address of block + size of block is greater than this parameter, then last part of data in the block may still lay at addresses, greater than this parameter! DisableFubuAutosave DWORD value default is 0 1 - disable detecting first time connected phones and autosaving of fullflash backup (fubu) of its flash memory.